Tour Around The Site
New to CPDD? Find out here what you need to know! (Tutorials)
Welcome! My name is Rin, and I'm here to give you a little sight-seeing tour around the site.
Making your character
This will probably be the first thing you do here. On the Registration page you can play a little dress-up, name the character, and save. You can always go back to play dress-up with that same character, and all the items are unisex, so we prefer if you stick to one character per person.
Registering your character
None of the information you enter will be visible to others (except birthday, but you can choose to hide it). Hiding your online status will also keep people from inviting you to chat with them. After you submit we will verify your e-mail address to make sure only actual people join the site and not evil robots. Just click on the link we sent you and you're set to log on.
After login a personal tab appears in the main menu, where you'll be able to find all your stuff. At the "Mood" section you can choose a default expression for your character. It also generates some code you could use to display your character around the web, like on other forum sites.
You can access your profile by clicking your avatar that is now in the top-right corner. You can put up a character description there if you want or add info about yourself. Here, people will be able to leave messages and private messages for you. Clicking on the characters of people who posted will lead you to their profiles; that is where you reply to their message. You can add links to the people you're stalking/friends using the
tags, described at the Information Booth.
Now go over to "Forum" in the top menu. Follow the link to a thread called "Welcome to the dress-up!" and scroll down to the bottom on that page. There is a comment box there just like all the other Community threads. Choose a fitting expression for your character, write something you'd like to say, and submit. You just made your first post!
A thread in the forum shows the first post and the last 20 or so posts, but you can also view older posts. It's possible to post comments on profiles and any other place you happen to find a comment box in. At this time it isn't possible to start your own threads, basically because there is no need to, but you can always suggest a new topic. The Information Booth has some rules about posting you should look into.
Earning more items
You may think your options to dress-up are very limited, but one of the most important features of this site is that people can submit their own items. The Artists page lists the people who've done so. Items they've made appear in a special "Changing Booth" at their profile pages. You can read on how to make your own items at the User Submissions thread.
There are still more items to unlock, though. This site has had many events since it first started in the summer of 2008, that were set-up as puzzles! All past events are still available to be played over and over. After you solve a puzzle most event items will get added to their creators' changing booths
Something very handy on this site are the wiki pages, like this page you're on. They can be edited by a number of different authors, which is useful if you want to start a club, tutorial, shop or whatever you come up with. You can make you wiki public or private and invite people by adding them as authors. If you need a wiki, just ask a mod.
Instant chatting
You'll find a link in the top menu to the Chat. This is an area where you can send instant messages to others also in the Chat. Once in the Chat, your doll will appear on the right side of the door, and users whom are online but not chatting will be on the left. You can invite those users by clicking on them!
There are a few things you can do besides chatting while in the Chat (or CB as some call it). Using the arrow buttons you can change your dolls direction and position among the users. If you face another user
When you're on the Dress-up page you can see a list of users currently online, your friends, and below a quick-link to the Chat if any online users are chatting. To add a user to your friends, face them in the Chat and click the "Befriend" button, and hope they feel the same.
Being a good user
Only chat in the designated areas of the mini forum and use common sense in what's okay and what's not. Listen to the moderators and report anything suspicious to them. Drop by, invite your friends, make suggestions, we can always use new ideas. You, the users, are what make this site fun.
Finding more help
Some of this information may have been tough to understand. If you have further questions, you can post below or ask one of our moderators:
Karin, Azkhadellia, and Alina_Mau.
Well, this was it, I hope you enjoyed the tour!
Title:Tour Around The Site
Last changed:May 2 by Karin
Author(s):Karin, Rose Mouse
Page views:127
Visible to:anyone, from the front page
Can be edited by:authors only
Please just ignore it, I still need to get rid of that box.
Not all event items will appear in the lost & found, just the ones that you cannot get to another way, because they were granted randomly. For the adventure type events your prizes will be lying around on the floor at fixed event locations.
You can check on someone's profile who created the items they're wearing. I'm not sure if I understand your wanting to become an artist question, just apply in the topic linked above I guess?