

This person is a site artist
Join date:April 13, 2009 (15 years ago)
Profile last edited:June 11, 2010
Page views:11
Last logged in:July 3, 2010
Birthday:June 28 (32 years old)
<< Viewing 84 - 98 of 98
October 21, 2009 1:17 ()
Roleplaying is my fourth and Mop Face means turd xD
Just thought it rhymed a little....
Sonic is my last best friend Chocolate is my first :D
Internet is my second and Cats are my third.
Roleplaying is my fourth and Mop Face means turd xD
October 21, 2009 23:20 ()
Oh looky! We are twinsies!
October 21, 2009 23:51 ()
Like Superheroes! :O
October 24, 2009 8:50 ()
It was cool...
October 26, 2009 1:51 ()
don't think it's too much related with halloween (maybe 'cause it's a cortume.. but no more apart that Owò..)
anyway beside that i think it's really really cute!!! :3
it's really a good work! ;D
<3 <3 <3
October 26, 2009 14:42 ()
lol.. yes you're right.. ^w^''
it's just that i'm not much used.. XD
here in italy on halloween all dress up more as witch/devil/vampire and so on XD
think that's because we are more used to celebrate carnival, where those costume are more common XDD
halloween isn't really an italian festivity..but we like to have fun..so.. lol.. XD
October 26, 2009 15:02 ()
anyway i really like this! ^w^ <3
even if.. a real fairy-dress costume totally need even a fairy-wand too! :3
you should make it too :3

ps. i saw that maybe the summer fairy dress (that green) look a bit like the wolfblossom fairy dress (she made tinkerbell costume)
i tell it just 'cause usually the color option is limited at 3.. only in rare case they accept more..
you can send 4.. sometimes i do it too if i like a dress and wouldn't/couldn't choose only 3.. lol
but maybe would be better use a color less similar to wolfblossom one °w° but's only a mine thought ^^''
rosa always say that don't mind if it similar but if the item is good ^w^''
anyway thought was nice show you it :3

ps. sorry.. my english is really bad.. so i seen that often when i write something others thought that i'm criticiseing.. but actually i totally wouldn't do it, so don't take what i say in a bad way, ok?!? ;) i always write just to show my thoughts and to chat a bit..lol ^w^ i'm here so rarely that i feel always like a stranger ^^'' and that make me really shy X3

ps. sorry that you're sick.. wish you'll feel better soon :3
a big hug
November 1, 2009 12:28 ()
Sorry for the late reply~ :l

You ARE pretty! I have glasses~ ¬w¬

Hee, so cute~ ♥
*Steals* :3
November 5, 2009 23:49 ()
November 6, 2009 0:17 ()
HOORAY ANNY! -dances with glasses-
December 16, 2009 5:29 ()
Ages ago we were talking about Twilight, and how my mum wouldn't let me read it.
She bought me a copy the other day!!
I finished reading it, it's so good...
June 28, 2010 1:59 (14 years ago)
Happy Birthday.
June 28, 2010 3:00 (14 years ago)
Happy Birthday Pixie!
Rose Mouse
June 28, 2010 10:06 (14 years ago)
Happy birthdaaayyy, Pixie~! <3
Have a great day! :D
June 28, 2010 12:48 (14 years ago)
Thank you! ♥