

My Virtual Pets:

Birthday:May 23rd
Age:14 years
Adopted:May 24th, 2010
This person is a site artist
Join date:September 15, 2008 (16 years ago)
Profile last edited:June 9, 2011
Page views:35
Last logged in:November 6, 2013
<< Viewing 348 - 362 of 362
June 1, 2010 10:29 (14 years ago)
Thank you for sending me a happy birthday message, and sorry for replying so late. xD
June 14, 2010 15:13 (14 years ago)

Before I climb up to my bed, I just wanted to say,
"Happy Belated Birthday, Rosa!"

Sorry if it's an almost-three-weeks-late gift,
just doodled it with my red pen. XD;

June 23, 2010 17:11 (14 years ago)
Thank you Rosamond! I like you profile, especially the stars on the background. (I'm in love with stars!)
Rose Mouse
June 26, 2010 3:43 (14 years ago)
Adorable Penguin <3
June 26, 2010 21:41 (14 years ago)
I do too :D Though, I love animals in general. XD
July 3, 2010 5:19 (14 years ago)
Thanks so much.
Rose Mouse
July 4, 2010 3:08 (14 years ago)
July 9, 2010 2:33 (14 years ago)
omg gaia... lol I think I remember my password..
July 10, 2010 4:37 (14 years ago)
*gives you my homemade and infamous(LOL) cassava cake*

I know this is futile but I'm hoping for the best. :)
July 18, 2010 20:52 (14 years ago)
Thank you for having helped out with the site for all this time. Even though we don't get along right now, I hope you will continue to be able to enjoy that which you've helped create and the friends you've made on here.

I'm now hoping to give both of us some peace for a little while. But should you really want to return as a moderator at some point, I'm sure we can work something out. Take care <3
December 3, 2011 7:32 (13 years ago)
Nice Penguin :)
August 1, 2012 12:58 (12 years ago)
Pretty penguin...(Fact:some penguins are not in antartica...)
August 1, 2012 12:59 (12 years ago)
it's not really a fact..
November 21, 2013 4:08 (11 years ago)
Just thought I'd drop by and let your know your avvie is super cute! ^w^
June 29, 2020 20:43 (4 years ago)
it's so cccccccccccooooooooooooool.