

i n t r i n s i c

c a l l - m e - a - " h e "
a l m o s t - s e v e n t e e n
p a n s e x u a l

I like to write, paint/draw, and play the viola. I also do web/graphic design a little bit as well.
I love to roleplay, so if you want to RP, feel free to shoot me a PM. I can write anywhere from semi-lit to advanced-lit, and I am open to a variety of plotlines. Preferred genres are: historical, psychological, sci-fi, and post-apocalyptic.

Here's some art of my characters that I have received from other people. (thankyou!♥)

( Kreutzer by Outkaster77 @ dA )
( Pavel by KariseSohma @ dA )
( Tatiana by KariseSohma @ dA)
( Keith by Nyx Illusione @ GaiaOnline )

Favourite Pixel Artists

I make graphics! Be it a banner for your RP or just something cute for your profile, I can make it. These are my graphic samples from over the years. If you'd like something, just shoot me a PM with the following form:

Image(s) (URLs):
Theme / Colour Scheme:

I can also code profiles as well. For a profile, please fill one of these forms out:

Detailed Form

Background IMG: (URL)
Block BG IMG: (URL)
Block Border Style/Colour/Thickness: (Dotted/Dashed/Solid) / (#ColourCode) / (#px)
Block Size(s): (#px width x #px height) for each block.
Form BG IMG: (URL)
Form Border Style/Colour/Thickness: (Dotted/Dashed/Solid) / (#ColourCode) / (#px)
Font / Font Colour: (Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Century Gothic, Impact) / (#Code)
Link Colour: (#Code)
Miscellaneous Graphics: (Description)

Simple Form

Main BG:
Form BG:
Block BG:
Border: (Dotted/Dashed/Solid) / Thickness (#px) / Colour
Link Colour:

( profile under construction )

Friends list


Favorite outfits

Join date:September 25, 2011 (12 years ago)
Profile last edited:October 15, 2011
Page views:10
Last logged in:February 22, 2022
Birthday:November 9
|< Viewing 14 - 28 of 28
September 26, 2011 23:05 (12 years ago)
haha~ dont worry about it c:
September 27, 2011 17:59 (12 years ago)
Hey there, welcome!
Leave replies to message on your profile on the other person's profile. (We only get notified of messages on our own profiles.)
Rose Mouse
September 27, 2011 19:53 (12 years ago)
Wow your page is awesome :O
Just thought i'd pop in and say that.
And heya, welcome.
September 28, 2011 20:20 (12 years ago)
Thanks! It was stuck like bare for ages. XD
Though my problem was i couldn't find any good repeatable patterns, were did you get yours?
September 29, 2011 0:09 (12 years ago)
Ooooohhh, awesomes!
Exploration time.
September 29, 2011 12:30 (12 years ago)
Wow, welcome to Chibi Pixel.
I'm Jemi. Nice to meet you.

Seems like you're a roleplayer.
:D Yay, another one. Seems like our roleplaying population is growing.

Anyways, welcome again to the site.
PS: Awesome profile.
September 30, 2011 12:29 (12 years ago)
Ohoho, well I'd like to be in a roleplay with you, for sure.

I see you like historical RPs. I've never tried one, but I want to. XP
September 30, 2011 23:36 (12 years ago)
October 16, 2011 3:09 (12 years ago)
Goodvye! (saying it here causw chat only allows 3 posts in a row. T.T)
October 22, 2011 12:30 (12 years ago)
ooh, okay, sounds good. :))
November 9, 2011 18:10 (12 years ago)
happy birthday, Intrinsic! ^___^ <3

(also omgthankyou for putting me in your favourite pixel artist list ;__; <3 <3 <3)
November 9, 2011 20:08 (12 years ago)
Happy Birthday Intrinsic! Hope you're doing and feeling good. ^-^
Elle Xias
June 2, 2014 13:46 (10 years ago)
Hi! you hav'a cool profile :D
November 9, 2020 22:47 (3 years ago)
Happy birthday~

I love your profile! ;)
Ookami Kenran
November 10, 2021 1:56 (2 years ago)
Happy birthday!

If you ever come back I'd be happy to help remake a profile for you! ^w^
Ookami Kenran