

Ho-kay, gonna revamp this a little.
I'm Moonxtal (pronounced Moon-criss-tal) and I came to this place after looking for little pixel dress up sites to play on.
I used to be on Gaia, but left forever when I was hacked and never got my stuff back.
Now for some stats.

Age: 27
Sex: Lady
Location: North Eastern USA
Occupation: Pet Shop

I'm a Christian, Conservative, Furry Lolita... and strangly proud of that.
I do my best to remain mature, and level headed in most situations as well as
kicking back and being silly at times.
I prefer to deal with people who are literate, and respectful, as that is how I treat others.

Fav. TV: CSI Miami, Ghost Hunters,
Myth Busters, A host of cartoons both for kids and adults,
It's me or the Dog, and Nanny 911.
Fav. Movies: Tons, but my most fav. has to be
the fantasy movies from the 80's
like Legend, NeverEnding Story,
The Dark Crystal and so on.
Fav. Music: I love bands people have never heard of before :3
The Birthday Massacure. PMToday, Decemberists,
Motionless, The Audition ect.
I lean towards alternative rock/punk techno/dance and
cheesy lounge singers like Wayne Newton
Fav. Food: Sushi, Mushrooms, Spinach, Yams, Tilapia fish,
Steak and anything sweet!
Fav. Video Games: World of Warcraft

Hobbies Include:
*World of Warcraft
*Reading Manga/Comics
*Eating (I'm fat :P)
*Playing with my Super Dollfies
*Web surfing/designing

This person is a site artist
Join date:January 14, 2009 (16 years ago)
Profile last edited:January 21, 2009
Page views:42
Last logged in:December 6, 2011
January 15, 2009 20:11 ()
aww.. first post! Hellow Moonx! ^w^ meow!
*hugs moonxtal*

aww ;w;
*cuddle moonxtal*
i was hackered too! i had just bought my coco when they hackered me! X( *jiuly don't want to be censured her thoughts about hackers DX )
i know what it means.. i was thinking to close too.. but fortunately whens moderators give me back my account i find that they stolen quite all..but luckyly they had left at least the MC and the EI i had ^^'' at the end i was lucky..

anyway.. simply love your items!!! X3 you're too good!!! :3
January 16, 2009 5:35 ()
Yeah, the mods never even got back to me about my stuff! I was soo ticked off that i just quit and left for good. I can't even look a gaia now, partially for all the things I've missed and I just don't feel like trying to get into it again.
January 16, 2009 16:56 ()
Don't worry about it, Moony. (Can I call you Moony? XD) We all love you!
January 17, 2009 4:37 ()
Haha Moon or Moony is fine with me!
January 17, 2009 12:28 ()
simply love it! lol!
*i asked and recived "the rocky horror picture show" in dvd for christmas >w<
i simply love it! i surely would go to the musical that it would be douring my B-day (so lucky i am! XD)
January 19, 2009 17:18 ()
But yeah, I offically love you now for the Frank-N-Furter costume.

In fact, I think I'm going to use it right now...
Orville Bearclaw
January 20, 2009 0:25 ()
u_u i cant compete with someone 10 years older than me...
January 20, 2009 6:51 ()
i didnt mean like that....i dont think i did....

you have more experience than i do so youre items are always going to look better than mine. u.u i should just stop trying to make items
January 20, 2009 12:49 ()
*Gives you the okay for the hair* lol
January 21, 2009 4:36 ()
omg u are an AMAZING artist
i wish i could be as good as u :[
January 21, 2009 12:54 ()
Man you are so good at pixel art! >.< I need to seriously learn this stuff ._.
January 21, 2009 12:57 ()
Could I add you to my favorite people? :3
January 22, 2009 0:37 ()
your welcome
January 22, 2009 12:13 ()
°w° aww.. i simply love your items!! they're great!!! >w<
but.. could i ask a dark-dodger-blue wonderful hairs too?!? ;w; pleaseee >w<
and... i think that blooded-red would be cooler! there's too less ot it too!!!

*anyway.. i become a your fan! ^w^ *
January 24, 2009 13:03 ()
You should become a buneh!
January 27, 2009 16:27 ()
Sorry moonxtal ur submission isnt in 100x100 canvas.
January 27, 2009 16:28 ()
oh and is good so can u modifique???
February 3, 2009 22:16 ()
I do! But some of it has a really light outline, which just doesn't look right to me. And if you submit them all as colors I can't add just the dark one. The mouth thing doesn't seem to work with the mouth expressions.

Hmm, you sure the leggings should be underwear and not socks? It's not about what they are but what you should be able to wear them with. As socks you could wear them together with a bathing suit.
February 4, 2009 1:42 ()
Cute lolita outfits!
February 5, 2009 4:43 ()
ahh yeah ^^; it's like eye burning light -goes to change-
February 6, 2009 2:01 ()
I don't know why they dont want it ;-;
February 6, 2009 15:12 ()
but i wanted it to be bright ;o like a white-blond like little kids have
February 7, 2009 4:00 ()
that left foot sure is a pain, huh ><
February 7, 2009 6:04 ()
You don't have to upload the Chicks & your past items..
They're already reserved for the V-day & Easter event!
February 8, 2009 14:28 ()
I'm going to reject the Yellow Raver top, the last image won't show up so if you could please resubmit just that one, I's appreciate it.
February 10, 2009 16:52 ()

It's Me or the Dog fan!

*high fives*
February 11, 2009 12:07 ()
*looks at other comments*
Well, yes, a part of the items you've submitted before were reserved for events. With some event items there were still some problems with the outline being too light, though. And I think the sheep wig could use some work...
Some non-holiday themed ones weren't added because I was busy working on the uploader at the time. You could try uploading them.

I don't know if your yellow raver top will be added. I already added the other two, and adding extra color options later on is hard. The other colors are also nicer.

You did a nice job on coloring the collaboration (with Sandy6789?) hair. But the line art is still not very good.
February 11, 2009 21:37 ()
it's that little scraggily thing at the top. the line art is fine, but that little thing at the top ruins it
February 11, 2009 22:39 ()
and move the two pixel line up towards the front part in the hair and it'll look fine
February 12, 2009 2:27 ()
........ i need help......
February 12, 2009 8:40 ()
Welcome to my submission list. ^^
February 13, 2009 17:56 ()
You're a wonderful artist lovely items creation ! ! !
February 16, 2009 15:31 ()
Uh, nothing's really wrong with them, it's just that I haven't decided if I like them yet. Let's see...

The main thing I don't really like is the front part. The spikes look sort of random and the one furthest to the left should be smaller than the rest, or an extra smaller one should be added on that side. I also don't really like how it's just outline with shading, I'm pretty fond of actual line art.
February 20, 2009 4:38 ()
Great items!
March 3, 2009 1:02 ()
Moon! How is you? :3
March 10, 2009 11:23 ()
OwO Moon~! ^^; It's Jaire from the Brig~!
March 28, 2009 21:47 ()
WB Moon!
March 29, 2009 0:12 ()
Eer…sorry I only joined yesterday.
Sorry If I upset you, I didn’t mean to do items that had been done already.

Its hard to tell what we have and dont have. T///T
March 29, 2009 0:17 ()
@Moonx - You would have to ask that to Karin. No use getting mad at Teak over it.
March 29, 2009 1:41 ()
Uhh, yeah, I take full responsibility for that. It's just that the ones you made were really tiny and I'm always afraid that small items will make the dolls look messy. I may have added them anyway if they looked good on the preview but we didn't have the submission page at that time (I actually didn't reject them either, it was just a lot of trouble to add items back then and some other items you made that looked better to me were given priority. I also didn't add any items during the time I was working on the upload page. You could try resubmitting some of your stuff, because this has been the fate of more items).

Teak's match the mertails she made, and they're very good, too.
March 29, 2009 5:26 ()
:o You like Ghost Hunters? That's my favorite TV show! :D
April 5, 2009 2:30 ()
Awesome outfits
Rose Messenger
April 13, 2009 17:16 ()
Ah! Your avatar is just adorable!
April 13, 2009 18:55 ()
XD i just realized your the amazing person who made the colored chickies! <3 Wonderful job!
April 20, 2009 11:01 ()
I was wondering if I could possibly make a long version of your Lolita dress? :3 It's fine, if not, I just know to ask ^^;
May 4, 2009 13:31 ()
Thanks for creating such nice items! <3
May 15, 2009 12:01 ()
wonderful stuff, good job ^^
December 13, 2009 7:03 ()
I`ve heard of them befor. I actually have [b]1[/d] song by them, I got for free at Cornnerstone.
Ookami Shinta
May 26, 2010 3:36 (14 years ago)
Hi, I love your items. I love the lolita one, as it is.
August 5, 2011 21:50 (13 years ago)
Would you like me to make you a profile layout?
Ookami Kenran
August 25, 2011 9:51 (13 years ago)
hi i like ur goggles see i iz wearing them!!!!<=
March 1, 2012 13:37 (12 years ago)
April 10, 2012 10:59 (12 years ago)
Hi.......There....Your Occupation Is Pet Shop I Like Pets...!