The Legend Of The Lake - RP
Pre-made profile codes by Kimi (Galleries)

Welcome to Kimi's Free Profile Codes!

Here, I'll be putting up some pre-made profile codes by me, myself, and I.
You may also suggest some themes, then I'll try to consider it.

Thank you and have a good time!


Name: Delicious
Description: Theme made for Andi, but she gave me permission to post this here!
.screenshot preview. .live preview. .code.

Name: Pandalicious
Description: Theme made for Minami, but I felt like releasing it to
other dolls out there. Enjoy!
.screenshot preview. .live preview. .code.


Please do give credit!

~Kimi's Free Profile Codes~
Title:The Legend Of The Lake - RP
Last changed:March 26, 2013 by Kimi
Author(s):Kimi, Andi, Minami
Page views:4
Visible to:anyone
Can be edited by:authors only
March 26, 2012 6:41 (12 years ago)
((First scene will be the Aquatica Anniversary invitation giving.))
March 27, 2012 12:16 (12 years ago)
❖ ❝Princess Aqua❞ ♕

Princess Aqua, the Princess of Aquatica, the land under Elvena Lake, saw this handsome boy, who happens to be her crush, Nikolai. She swam to him and gave him this invitation.

"Hey Niko," She said, twirling her hair, with flirty like eyes. "Hope you can come to Aquatica's 10th Anniversary! It's really important! She continued.

March 28, 2012 4:25 (12 years ago)
Sandra Almonds
Im supposed to help Elena,but I cant control my brother for worshiping Aqua.

Sandra Almonds,the younger of the Almonds children,was there,running to the Royal Pond,with one Elvena Coin.She closed her eyes,and thought,I wish Id do great on this event,which is the Elvena Royal Ponds "Wish For Your Friends" which will be next week.Then threw the coin.

After a few seconds,the mailman of the Elvena Land gave her a package that said Elfina.She said shes not Elfina,but the mailman asked her to give it to Elfina because of an emergency package that needed to be sent exactly 10:30am.It was 10:01,after all.
March 25, 2013 8:36 (11 years ago)
Let's keep those feedback and requests coming!
April 15, 2013 4:28 (11 years ago)
SaraLove used the code 'Delicious.' Yay!

If you use my codes, please do give credit and link this theme gallery.
April 18, 2013 23:46 (11 years ago)
Your welcome! ^_^ I think their both awesome!