NewBound Pack - Can You Taste The Fury - RP
This is a message to all of my pack members.
Before I do, I want to address some concerns. First, I want less human interaction. Also, I wasn't very proud of your (not everybody's) grammar. Please check, double check, triple check if you have to. TBH, I really didn't have much to gripe about. ^^;
If you wish to continue the RP w/ me, please take a visit to my profile and let me know. Do not post in the wiki, I will let you know when we can continue. We may restart, we may continue where we left off. Feel free to give me your input. :)
Hello everyone, welcome to NewBound Pack (Can you taste the fury?), my Wolf RP.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask
on her personal profile.
***Information subject to change.***Please look out for Bolded, Italicized, Underlined words.***
Rules & Dos & Don'ts:
Here are some pages you can use to make a drawing.
-onetrickwolf's Character Creator 1-
-onetrickwolf's Character Creator 2-
-wyndbain's Character Creator-
-Kaylink's Wolf Maker-
-khalypso's Create-a-Wolf-
-kcoyote's Create-A-Wolf-
-duckstapler's Create-A-Wolf-
Make, Print screen, Iaza.
List of Jobs or Ranks(in order from Greatest to lowest):
The firs five must be earned.
Short list: [right]By User:
By Rank:
Long list:
Alpha Male:
Alpha Female:
Beta Male:
Beta Female:
Other Members:
x <-> x
x -> x
PM me if you want the code to any of these. ^^
***Information subject to change.***Please look out for Bolded, Italicized, Underlined words.***

Before I do, I want to address some concerns. First, I want less human interaction. Also, I wasn't very proud of your (not everybody's) grammar. Please check, double check, triple check if you have to. TBH, I really didn't have much to gripe about. ^^;
If you wish to continue the RP w/ me, please take a visit to my profile and let me know. Do not post in the wiki, I will let you know when we can continue. We may restart, we may continue where we left off. Feel free to give me your input. :)
Hello everyone, welcome to NewBound Pack (Can you taste the fury?), my Wolf RP.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask
***Information subject to change.***Please look out for Bolded, Italicized, Underlined words.***

Rules & Dos & Don'ts:
-Follow all the rules of the site; you don't want Karin-dono to get mad at you.
-No cussing.
-No spamming. If you want to talk about something other than what's going on in the RP, go somewhere else please. This is a strictly a Role Playing place.
-Please don't join if you hardly ever get on...
-Three wolves/characters per person. For breeding, if you already have six characters between you & your mate, you can not have puppies, but, for example, if you have one wolf each, you can have four puppies at most, split between the two of you. If you don't understand this rule, feel free to comment my profile.
-Your character must be at least 50% wolf. This is a wolf RP after all.
-When you want to join, comment my profile, and I'll reply then promptly put your submission below if I accept your character.
-Please use proper grammar, and act like your writhing a story.
-No one liners. We want many words, we want to at least look literate. Also try to avoid two liners. This rule also helps with keeping the plot going.
-Be creative. ^^
-Make Banners. I can't be the only creative one. Just post any on my profile, & I'll put it on this page with your name. *Not a requirement
-Please, fallow the form accurately.
-No cussing.
-No spamming. If you want to talk about something other than what's going on in the RP, go somewhere else please. This is a strictly a Role Playing place.
-Please don't join if you hardly ever get on...
-Three wolves/characters per person. For breeding, if you already have six characters between you & your mate, you can not have puppies, but, for example, if you have one wolf each, you can have four puppies at most, split between the two of you. If you don't understand this rule, feel free to comment my profile.
-Your character must be at least 50% wolf. This is a wolf RP after all.
-When you want to join, comment my profile, and I'll reply then promptly put your submission below if I accept your character.
-Please use proper grammar, and act like your writhing a story.
-No one liners. We want many words, we want to at least look literate. Also try to avoid two liners. This rule also helps with keeping the plot going.
-Be creative. ^^
-Make Banners. I can't be the only creative one. Just post any on my profile, & I'll put it on this page with your name. *Not a requirement
-Please, fallow the form accurately.

Name: [This wolf's name (first name only)]
Gender: [Gender of this wolf]
Age: [In wolf years please (seven for every one human year)]
Personality: [The way this wolf acts]
Rank: [What you do in the pack(see below)]
Family: [Who is related to this wolf (also include crushes) (in this RP)]
Color: [Color of this wolf's pelt]
Eye color: [color of eyes]
Breed: [Specific breed of wolf]
Other: [Anything you want can go here]
Picture: [A picture of this wolf]
Gender: [Gender of this wolf]
Age: [In wolf years please (seven for every one human year)]
Personality: [The way this wolf acts]
Rank: [What you do in the pack(see below)]
Family: [Who is related to this wolf (also include crushes) (in this RP)]
Color: [Color of this wolf's pelt]
Eye color: [color of eyes]
Breed: [Specific breed of wolf]
Other: [Anything you want can go here]
Picture: [A picture of this wolf]
Here are some pages you can use to make a drawing.
-onetrickwolf's Character Creator 1-
-onetrickwolf's Character Creator 2-
-wyndbain's Character Creator-
-Kaylink's Wolf Maker-
-khalypso's Create-a-Wolf-
-kcoyote's Create-A-Wolf-
-duckstapler's Create-A-Wolf-
Make, Print screen, Iaza.
List of Jobs or Ranks(in order from Greatest to lowest):
*Alpha Male - Highest rank, does everything from time to time.
*Alpha Female - Second highest rank, does everything from time to time; *Alpha Male's mate/lover.
**Beta Male - Adviser to Alpha; the "Vise" or second in command, covers for Alpha (when gone).
**Beta Female - Adviser to Beta Male; Beta Male's mate/lover.
Elder - A lot like the high counsel; adviser to the Alpha/s and Beta/s.
***Guardian - Guards the Alpha Male, Alpha Female, Beta Male, Beta Female.
***Fighter/Defense - Does any fighting; defending against attacks from other packs or wolves and on occasion, the Omega.
***Hunter - Hunts food
***Gatherer - Gathers berries, moss, and other things that could be used for things like medicines.
**Beta Male - Adviser to Alpha; the "Vise" or second in command, covers for Alpha (when gone).
**Beta Female - Adviser to Beta Male; Beta Male's mate/lover.
Elder - A lot like the high counsel; adviser to the Alpha/s and Beta/s.
***Guardian - Guards the Alpha Male, Alpha Female, Beta Male, Beta Female.
***Fighter/Defense - Does any fighting; defending against attacks from other packs or wolves and on occasion, the Omega.
***Hunter - Hunts food
***Gatherer - Gathers berries, moss, and other things that could be used for things like medicines.
The firs five must be earned.

Short list: [right]By User:
By Rank:
Long list:
Alpha Male:
Alpha Female:
Beta Male:
Beta Female:
Other Members:
x <-> x
x -> x

PM me if you want the code to any of these. ^^
***Information subject to change.***Please look out for Bolded, Italicized, Underlined words.***

Title:NewBound Pack - Can You Taste The Fury - RP
Last changed:January 15, 2020 by Ookami Kenran
Author(s):Ookami Kenran
Page views:45
Visible to:anyone
Can be edited by:authors only
"We'd be able to smell them out, and get to safety before the hunter realizes. We're Fine."
After hearing the others speak she tilted her head a little, not quite understanding what Kimiko meant by revenge. Either way she kept along side the group.
Tummy growling, she spoke once more.
"How close are we to our prey? I can't seem to detect anything" Sae said wearily, wondering if her senses were failing her that day.
"We'd be able to smell them out, and get to safety before the hunter realizes. We're Fine." Sae said.
"Exactly." Kenran reassured her pack.
Then Sae asked "How close are we to our prey? I can't seem to detect anything"
"Not too far, just around the corner really. There's a herd of caribou." she answered to her and the pack. With her tail up and out, Kenran continued to slowly trot (for the pack) downwind of the herd, positioning them to just the right spot.
When they reached the position, she looked at Onai, "Onai, could you take half of us, about four other wolves, and flank them on their right, I’ll get the right. Then one that lags behind we’ll get; and if I can’t get a good angle on him or her, Onai, you go for the neck, and I will be in right behind you." She paused to look at the members that were there, making sure they were fallowing what she said; "Any questions?" she asked.
Kana wasn't worried about the humans anymore, just focusing on the prey. As she sat in position, Kimiko was still right next to her. A caribou waltzed up to them, but as it saw the pack of wolves it quickly turned back and started to run. "Kenran!" She whispered loud enough for the pack leader to hear. "Do we attack?" She awaited orders.
Kimiko fussed. "I'm perfectly fine mother, you don't always have to fuss over me, I'm not a little pup any more." Kana reassured her.
Claire watch the final blow and said "victory is ours!!!"
Only thing I think I would change is switching the colors in the quote bubbles. What do you think?