

[b]Reason:CAUSE ITS THE THEME FOR OUR SCHOOLYEAR BUT DONT EXPECT ME WITH THIS PROFILE FOR ONE YEAR OK?[or mabe I will use it for one year]................
hi everyone my name is Angel Claire D. Curativo
I am 13 years old,I know how to play the piano
and I am from the Phillippines..^_^
And I finally graduated elementery Atlast..
I am now a 7th grader in Dumaguete Science High School YEAH

Friends list


Favorite outfits

Join date:March 24, 2011 (13 years ago)
Profile last edited:March 10, 2014
Page views:7
Last logged in:October 25, 2014
Birthday:February 7 (23 years old)
<< Viewing 114 - 128 of 128
June 3, 2012 3:13 (12 years ago)
Like I said, it's under construction and dead a little bit. We are talking with the other RPers to ask if they would like to restart, or something.
June 4, 2012 0:03 (12 years ago)
um,ok I maybe present at sometime here but mostly at Fridays..
Pink Rose
June 5, 2012 12:52 (12 years ago)
um, can I be your friend ? I like your profile, it's so cute ~
July 11, 2012 16:57 (12 years ago)
It's not a bother at all, but it looks like you've already got the colors changed.
If I don't understand, please explain what part you need help with a little more.
Rose Mouse
July 12, 2012 16:12 (12 years ago)
If you want to change the font color of the text under the "Character Information", edit "color: #000000;" part under "body".
Rose Mouse
July 13, 2012 9:17 (12 years ago)
How did you get the online and offline indicator(the picture in the word ONLINE...)??
July 13, 2012 16:53 (12 years ago)
You're welcome.
Rose Mouse
July 14, 2012 12:02 (12 years ago)
would it be ok if amiah only communicated with animals? cuz trees and plants are flora's area of expertise. :P
July 15, 2012 8:57 (12 years ago)
ok your in ^u^
July 18, 2012 6:48 (12 years ago)
To change the font in your profile, go to custom style sheet and type font-family: (what font you like); font-size:__px; on the one (BELOW HERE) in your custom style sheet.It may look like this.:body { background: #______ url(___); color: #______; font-family: ______; font-size:__px; }
COPY-PASTE this if you want to.
July 27, 2012 11:07 (12 years ago)
Name: Angela "Gelai" Pineda
User: Kimi
Age: 11 and a half
Class: 6-A
Personality: Gelai is a loner and can be sensitive at times. She's good at leadership, but then, she doesn't agree when people encourage her for her leadership skills.
Other: Her only friends are Emiko and Trixia. The three of them are being haunted by a ghost named Almira, one of the popular girls at Cross High that died in an accident.
Picture: N/A
October 26, 2012 5:39 (12 years ago)
Go here to learn about transparency...
October 30, 2012 9:50 (12 years ago)
November 10, 2012 11:18 (12 years ago)
Who You !?!?!?!?
January 19, 2013 3:16 (12 years ago)
This is a message to all of my pack members.

Ok, so we all know that the wiki has been still since the 5th of July 2012. I apologize for being gone, my previous job took a lot of time and energy, but now I wanna get things rolling again.

Before I do, I want to address some concerns. First, I want less human interaction. Also, I wasn't very proud of your (not everybody's) grammar. Please check, double check, triple check if you have to. TBH, I really didn't have much to gripe about. ^^;

If you wish to continue the RP w/ me, please take a visit to my profile and let me know. Do not post in the wiki, I will let you know when we can continue. We may restart, we may continue where we left off. Feel free to give me your input. :)

I look forward to talking to you again, have a nice life. :)
Ookami Kenran