BBCode Guide
Official site resource (Tutorials)

On Chibi Pixel Doll Dress-Up, you can use BBCode (Wikipedia) to make your messages a little more interesting than plain text. You can use these codes while posting, editing your profile or a editing a wiki. If you're looking for extra effects like changing the text color, use CSS. We have a guide about that here.

You have to be careful that the BBCode tags match exactly. Whenever using tags, we recommend to preview before posting!

Table of Contents

Text Appearance
Text Formatting
- Quotes
- Dropdown Spoiler
- Custom Blocks
- Dice
- Invisible Bookmarks

Enabled BBCode Tags

Text Appearance

[b][/b] → [b]bold[/b] →

[i][/i] → [i]italic[/i] →

[u][/u] → [u]underline[/u] →

[rainbow][/rainbow] → [rainbow]rainbow[/rainbow] →

[s][/s] → [s]strike[/s] →

[spoiler][/spoiler] → [spoiler]spoiler[/spoiler] →
*Hovering on the text will show what is hidden.
**Click for and alternate spoiler tag.

Text Formatting

[left][/left] → [left]left[/left]


[center][/center] → [center]center[/center]


[right][/right] → [right]right[/right]



[list]List item one
List item two[/list]

[h1][/h1] → [h1]Title[/h1]


[h2][/h2] → [h2]Header[/h2]


[h3][/h3] → [h3]Header[/h3]


[h4][/h4] → [h4]Header[/h4]



*These are customizable; CSS:
hr { height: 0; border-top: /*your code here*/; }


[user][/user] → [user]Karin[/user] →

Clicking the image of the user will take you to their profile.

[url][/url] → [url][/url] →
[url=][/url] → [url=]My site[/url] →
My site


[img][/img] → [img]image URL[/img]

OR you can float it right or left:
[imgleft][/imgleft] → [imgleft]image URL[/imgleft]
[imgright][/imgright] → [imgright]image URL[/imgright]

[youtube][/youtube] → [youtube]embed URL of Youtube video[/youtube] →
*This has undesirable effects for mobile users, stretching the page and hiding the page up/down buttons


The /code example tends to breaking the page...


[quote=][/quote] → [quote=name] Words [/quote]

name wrote:

*Without "=" this becomes redacted text, see above
*Will work without "Name".

Dropdown Spoiler

Click the arrow to dropdown.
[spoiler=][/spoiler] → [spoiler=Description] Hide and Seek. [/spoiler]
→ [spoiler=Description] Hide and Seek. [/spoiler]
*"Description" not required:
[spoiler=][/spoiler] → [spoiler=] Hide and Seek. [/spoiler]
→ [spoiler=] Hide and Seek. [/spoiler]
-!-!-!-!-!-!-!- Karin: I did some debugging and the above 3 lines are what is ruining the spoiler tags. I also tried both lines individually. -!-!-!-!-!-!-!-

Custom Blocks

Make an element that you can edit with CSS using #newname { } in your style sheet:
[block=newname] Content [/block]

There is a univers of possibilities with this tag! 👀

Displaying Pixel Art

If you are showing off pixel art, it will get blurry in some situations, unless you use this special block:
[block=pixel-art][/block] → [block=pixel-art][img][/img][/block]

Here's what it looks like without:
[/block] → [block=pixel-art][img][/img][/block]


roll a 6-sided die (1d6) →
→ roll a 6-sided die (1d6) →
Ookami Kenran rolled

roll 4 6-sided dice (4d6) →
Ookami Kenran rolled
⚂ ⚄ ⚁ ⚃
= 14

roll 3 8-sided die (3d8) →
Ookami Kenran rolled 3 d8, the total was 5 + 3 + 4 = 12

Notes about dice:

Invisible Bookmarks

Make a link to a different part of the same page.
This is how the Table of Contents works
Two pieces are required for this to work:
1.) The location and id for the link
2.) The actual link.

[bookmark][/bookmark] → [bookmark]bookmark name[/bookmark]

*Remember this is invisible, so it doesn't show visibly on your page.

[url=#][/url] → [url=#bookmark name]link[/url] →

Title:BBCode Guide
Last changed:March 22, 2024 by Ookami Kenran
Author(s):Ookami Kenran, Karin
Page views:331
Visible to:anyone
Can be edited by:authors only
|< Viewing 30 - 44 of 44
November 16, 2022 17:59 (2 years ago)
I also want to ad a table of contents...
Ookami Kenran
December 10, 2022 0:15 (2 years ago)
Also add the difference for pixel-art block
Ookami Kenran
December 11, 2022 20:45 (2 years ago)
Quote as well as spoiler= isn't up there; which section do you think they should go in? Text Formatting, Bonus, or their own?
Ookami Kenran
December 11, 2022 20:59 (2 years ago)
I'm fine with anything as long as they're together with the normal spoiler tags. Also thanks for updating!
December 11, 2022 21:55 (2 years ago)
Why is the following working here, but not in the page??? o.O


[quote=][/quote] → [quote=name] Words [/quote]

name wrote:

*wont work without "=", will work without "Name".

Dropdown Spoiler

Click the arrow to dropdown.
[spoiler=][/spoiler] → [spoiler=Description] Hide and Seek. [/spoiler]

*"Description" not required:
[spoiler=][/spoiler] → [spoiler=] Hide and Seek. [/spoiler]
Ookami Kenran
December 11, 2022 22:18 (2 years ago)
I think description is required though because it's used to generate an id so it knows which one is being opened.
December 11, 2022 22:18 (2 years ago)
Okay, at a stopping point
Ookami Kenran
December 11, 2022 22:19 (2 years ago)
O.o Ive used it without description before. here
Ookami Kenran
December 11, 2022 23:19 (2 years ago)
I took out the no description part and it still didn't work.
Ookami Kenran
December 11, 2022 23:59 (2 years ago)
Maybe the one in the comments is breaking it all.
March 22, 2024 19:54 (10 months ago)
Just noticing those comments after doing some debugging... If it's written correctly, I'm not sure why, but can we see if deleting all posts containing either spoiler tag will help?
Ookami Kenran
March 22, 2024 21:48 (10 months ago)
Oh yeah, go ahead and try that!
March 23, 2024 4:35 (10 months ago)
I can't delete posts
Ookami Kenran
March 23, 2024 7:49 (10 months ago)
Oh I thought I gave wiki authors the option. Let me fix that for you
March 23, 2024 12:28 (10 months ago)
No, not yet; thank you! :D
Ookami Kenran