~dies from over-glomps~ XD I'm really glad you like it<3
December 21, 2013 16:27 (11 years ago)
December 23, 2013 21:25 (11 years ago)
ARGH. Sorry I missed your birthday! >< I hope you had a happy one. Have a blest year of existence!
May 2, 2014 7:41 (10 years ago)
Your so Kawaii! :3
May 7, 2014 16:29 (10 years ago)
Aw ^_^ thank you so much. I love your profile as well X3
May 10, 2014 17:45 (10 years ago)
things are doing fine here except the math reviews @_@ which are killing me -- Math kills XD
anyways how about you ?
May 11, 2014 16:26 (10 years ago)
Adorable outfit. <3
May 12, 2014 14:13 (10 years ago)
N'aww, so cute! :3
Thank you~ :3 I got rather lazy and edited it to something simple. Heh.
May 14, 2014 2:12 (10 years ago)
Oh well for math XD and sure you can call me Pinky ^_^
May 14, 2014 8:29 (10 years ago)
Hola! You look like a cute Panda! Do chu love Panda's? Because I do!!!
May 15, 2014 7:19 (10 years ago)
You love Ducks too! Well ice to meet you too :3
May 15, 2014 7:20 (10 years ago)
I mean NICe xD
May 15, 2014 23:27 (10 years ago)
Aha no worries. I've done that before sometimes.
Ad things aren't doing so well. Keep arguing someone. > . < How about you?
May 19, 2014 5:58 (10 years ago)
Whats a Critter? XD sorry v.v
May 20, 2014 17:07 (10 years ago)
When school starts I plan to advance study @_@ better to be ready than cram on the last minute XD.
And woah... (☆ _ ☆) Disney, you're so lucky :3 and don't worry about the travelling time cuz it's so worth it *thumbs up* ^^
May 22, 2014 18:42 (10 years ago)
Just be sure that the driving speed isn't too fast ^^. Anyways it's good to go somewhere new -- enjoy summer while it's still there. ^^
May 26, 2014 4:42 (10 years ago)
Its an animal!? xD now I know X3
My fav. "critter" is a Cat and Panda *w*
May 26, 2014 15:38 (10 years ago)
Yeah sebasty is reall Hot :,3 xDDD
May 28, 2014 12:49 (10 years ago)
Nosebleed everywhere!¿ xD
May 29, 2014 13:43 (10 years ago)
XD thats true, but my nosebleeds are for Usui XP
June 24, 2014 21:29 (10 years ago)
Saraaaaaaa :o
I've been at school for the past few months and its been really busy for me because, you know, I've never been to school before XD. Anywho school holidays is coming up and I plan to spend most of it back here on chibidoll :3. Dun leeeeave<3
June 25, 2014 21:22 (10 years ago)
Lol ^_^ my kik is PuddingBowl404
July 6, 2014 0:10 (10 years ago)
July 17, 2014 4:39 (10 years ago)
I see you've got my background up.
Do you know what it means?
August 9, 2014 0:05 (10 years ago)
Hi Sara!! How are you?? ^_^
August 10, 2014 4:21 (10 years ago)
I'm doing great to! So what are you doing these dayz? ^_^
October 11, 2014 3:51 (10 years ago)
October 25, 2014 10:43 (10 years ago)
October 25, 2014 20:34 (10 years ago)
I'm a chips-craving llama
November 4, 2014 23:54 (10 years ago)
November 8, 2014 5:52 (10 years ago)
Sorry! I was watching something and I forgot about the chatbox. xD Hope to talk to you again!
anyways how about you ?
Thank you~ :3 I got rather lazy and edited it to something simple. Heh.
Ad things aren't doing so well. Keep arguing someone. > . < How about you?
And woah... (☆ _ ☆) Disney, you're so lucky :3 and don't worry about the travelling time cuz it's so worth it *thumbs up* ^^
My fav. "critter" is a Cat and Panda *w*
I've been at school for the past few months and its been really busy for me because, you know, I've never been to school before XD. Anywho school holidays is coming up and I plan to spend most of it back here on chibidoll :3. Dun leeeeave<3
Do you know what it means?